How can I disable or put a WhatsApp video call on hold?

The WhatsApp application continues to incorporate options for use in calls, to facilitate your meetings or to maintain privacy, for the latter you can learn about how to disable or put on hold a WhatsApp video call.

Here we will explain in detail how to do it, so that you will not lose the connection at the time of the video call, or you can select the way you want to be communicated.

Table of contents
  1. How to disable a video call on WhatsApp?
  2. How to put whatsapp call on hold
    1. How to hold call on whatsapp

How to disable a video call on WhatsApp?

Put whatsapp call on hold is very simple and is used when you are very busy working or when, for some personal reason, you need to turn off the video call. Knowing whether you are online during a video call will make no difference if the client insists on another call anyway.

In principle, it is possible to mute a single WhatsApp video call under development, clicking on the icon with the three dots in the upper right corner of the phone will bring up the option to mute it and you can click on it.

How to disable a video call on WhatsApp?

With this step the video call is already muted, but keep in mind that the other party will be able to see that you have activated this feature. This can be done when for some reason you are talking and need to hear other voices.

Then you can return to the activate the audio of the video call click on the three dots icon, look for the microphone and click on it.

You can also mute a video call before receiving it because for some reason you do not want to listen to the call. In this case, look for the option whatsApp main screen and select the contact you want to mute.

If you hold your finger on the contact's image, a bar will appear indicating other functions, including the microphone or speaker to be muted, by clicking on it.

With this simple procedure, any video calls made by the selected contact will not be heard, but will be recorded in the notifications section.

It is also possible to disable a group video call in this same way, since it is the same sequence of simple steps.

Now, when disabling a video call, you can choose how long you want to disable it. The duration varies from hours to days and even weeks or months. You decide based on the circumstances.

How to put whatsapp call on hold

It often happens that there are need to take care of many people or groups at the same time; is the product of the successful work or performance of a business or commercial service.

How to hold call on whatsapp

  • During a WhatsApp video call, if you want to put the call on hold, there is currently no built-in feature to do so.
  • However, you can still hold the call by using a workaround. Firstly, inform the person on the other end of the call that you need to put it on hold momentarily.
  • To hold the call, you can either switch to another app on your smartphone or simply press the home button to go to your home screen.
  • This will pause the video call, and you can attend to any other important task or browse your device as needed.
  • When you are ready to resume the call, you can simply return to the WhatsApp app and the video call will continue from where you left off.
  • Keep in mind that the other person will see a frozen image or a blank screen during the hold period, so make sure to keep the hold time as short as possible.

How to put a WhatsApp video call on hold

In this case, you have to decide whom to answer. Either you finish one and get the other; or the second caller will simply choose to do it later.

In other words, although the app incorporates the video call alert for notification, it has not yet implemented the wait-to-answer mode.

Video calls recordings from your phone can be individual or group; in either case, you will answer the video call that comes second, if you choose.

In short, the way to put a video call on hold is still far from becoming a reality. However, remember that technology is making more and more strides, and sooner or later, users will have this service available.

In the meantime, he suggests communicating via traditional cell phone calls, with which it will be possible to answer an incoming call.

Finally, the WhatsApp application remains the most popular application in terms of real-time communication due to its text, image, and sound attributes; consequently, this lack of as putting a video call on hold does not affect the success of the application.

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