How to activate the mobile or background window in video calls on WhatsApp?
That would be of our life without the use of mobile applications such as WhatsApp, which allow us to be connected at any time, regardless of where we are. Obviously it is as long as we have an Internet signal and a data plan, even if there is a trick to use WhatsApp without the Internet.
And among the different functions that this message offers us are video calls. And in the next article we want to show you how you can activate the docker or background when you are in a video call on WhatsApp.
Sometimes it seems absurd that we use the function of an application and we cannot squeeze all the potential it has and this is what happens when video calls are made. An option that together with the vocal notes has become a true communicative revolution. And now other messengers copy these services, as users use them very frequently.
In this article we will show you hidden functions within an option widely used especially by people who are abroad. And it's about WhatsApp video calls, we'll show you how you can activate the mobile or background window and for this you just have to follow the directions we will offer below very well. Where it will also be possible to publish videos during a video call.
Why activate the docker in WhatsApp video calls?
This tutorial will explain in a very didactic way what you should do and without complications you will be able to do it activate mobile windows in your video calls. And you will see that it will be as simple and fast as listening to a vocal note without appearing in sight. But because you need to activate this pop-up window on our mobile phone.
Well, this answer is very simple and, since when you receive a call it covers the entire screen and does not allow you to do another activity with the phone, unless the call is closed. Instead when you activate the docker, the video call will be displayed on a small screen, leaving you the opportunity to insert other applications or search for contacts, videos or photos.
Another option you will have access to when you activate it is that you will be able move docker or popup window everywhere on the screen. This way you will have access to any area of your mobile phone and if the window is on an application. You just have to press and drag to understand how functional it is to activate this tool.
Step to activate the docker in WhatsApp video calls
It is important before you start to keep in mind that this function is allowed for cell phones that have the Picture in Picture option. Therefore you need to have Android 8.0 Oreo. Once this point is clarified, let's see what we need to do then activate popup in video calls.
As a first step you need to insert the WhatsApp application from your smartphone, even if you can also make video calls for the WhatsApp web. Once you are in the app, you need to choose the contact and click on the icon to make the video call. Once the connection is established, you only need to click on your mobile phone on the Back button.
This action will generate that another smaller screen appears on the screen and you will be able to see your interlocutor. This, as we have already said, you can press it and move it to the whole screen of your mobile phone and place it wherever you want. Without this interfering with communication or cutting the call.
You realize how quick and easy it is to activate this fantastic function in WhatsApp and now you will be able to make video calls and apply what you learned in this tutorial. But if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments box and we will be happy to answer.