How to make video calls with Skype from a PC without problems?

Video calls are a way of holding social or academic meetings through social networks. So learning how to do it will help you have another tool to communicate with other people. Therefore, this article explains how to make video calls on Skype from a PC with any operating system.

You don't always have everyone we know as a Skype contact, so sometimes you have to search for multiple contacts. In this sense, it may be necessary to call someone not among your contact lists. So you have to do the following procedure to find new people. First, download the app to any of the devices you use skype on.

Connect contacts from mobile phone

In the search bar you have to click to write the name of the person you want to find. You can also write the person's email or phone number which has been linked to Skype. So in the users that appear, you need to click on your friend's username to take you to the messages section.

Then you must send you a message this person to add to your contact list. However, the other user has the option to accept or reject the friend's request. Likewise, you can add this contact to your mobile phone's contact list by clicking on their phone number.

How to make video calls with Skype from a PC without problems?

In this sense, having your mobile phone connected to your Skype account, your phone contacts will also be Skype contacts. These contacts they are automatically imported to the platform, so you shouldn't do any additional procedures. But in case a friend does not appear directly on Skype, you can search for his number in your mobile contacts and then enter that number in the search bar.

Table of contents
  1. Connect contacts from mobile phone
  • What is the way to make a video call on Skype from a computer?
    1. From a Windows PC
    2. If your computer is a MacBook
  • How is a video call made during a normal call?
  • Why don't you listen to the other person during the video call?
    1. Skype audio processing
  • What is the way to make a video call on Skype from a computer?

    The way to make a video call using a computer on the social network skype is very simple and fast. This is possible on Windows computers and on those with iOS without many variations between them. So you just have to follow the following procedure to perform this process.

    From a Windows PC

    The first thing is to enter Skype and search for the person you want to call in the contact list. When you have found the contact, you must press on your behalf for options to display. Although sometimes these appear on the user name side.

    What is the way to make a video call on Skype from a computer?

    There are two options for making a call on Skype, one of which is a landline phone. This means that the call will only take place via audio, while the other is a camera option. Therefore it indicates that this it is used to make video calls which in this case is what must be pressed.

    If your computer is a MacBook

    On Mac computers, i.e. those that belong and are distributed by Apple, the procedure is the same. Well, the Skype application does not change the buttons or their position relative to the operating systems. Therefore, to make video calls from these devices it is possible to follow the procedure explained above.

    How is a video call made during a normal call?

    Once inside the call, you can click on the option to share the screen with the other person. Likewise, you can add more people to the call for this to become a group video call. This is for meeting friends again or holding lessons and conferences. Calls to landlines can also be made via Skype.

    How is a video call made during a normal call?

    As in WhatsApp if an audio call is made, it can be changed at any time in a video call. To make this change, you need to search and press the button on the webcam within the call. At that moment it changes screen because the camera of the device is activated but you have to wait for the interlocutor to accept that the call must be changed to one with the video.

    Why don't you listen to the other person during the video call?

    Sometimes some audio problems and inconveniences occur during Skype video calls. In this sense, the mistake can be presented that when you call they don't listen to you but you do it to other people. In the same way it can happen that in other calls nothing can be heard, but your interlocutors can listen to you perfectly and clearly. Let's see what are the disadvantages that lead to these errors.

    Skype audio processing

    It should always be considered that there is problems with Internet connection by any of the participants in the call. Well, when the Internet has a very slow speed, the connection tends to be broken. Therefore, the audio will not reach any of the mobile signal receivers cleanly.

    Why don't you listen to the other person during the video call?

    You should look at the options that appear on your mobile or computer screen when making a call. Since then, on the screen a microphone appears which is sometimes disabled. That is, some participants may have the microphone turned off or changed and therefore not listened to. There is also the video of the pause, which does not allow you to listen to anything during the call.

    To reactivate the audio, you only need press the button of the active option and will begin to be heard. Another problem that may arise is the outdated application which reduces its performance. In addition to failures in mobile or PC hardware, such as in the microphone or speakers.

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